PBR#14 – Operating out of your Joy Space

I was speaking with a couple of fellow networkers this morning, one of whom had
recently decided to take a plunge into entrepreneurial waters. The minute snapshot
of her business that she had presented that morning was significantly different than
her pre-plunge presentations.

When speaking of her former occupation, she was often apologetic, referred to the
job as boring and rarely smiled. But, when speaking of her new venture, her smile
was brilliant, she was animated, and her enthusiasm was contagious.

I noted to her that she was operating out of her joy space – that place where
passion and purpose had met – and that space undeniably attracts people.

I have been walking in my joy space since I opened Ignite 8 months ago. Waking
up early, working late, putting in the extra mile, and sharing my passion for
problem solving and mentoring with others.

As I operate in this space, I have noticed some things:

  • People are drawn to my passion and energy
  • People remember me and are influenced by my words
  • Business comes easily
  • People have heard of me before we meet.

These things are critical for building credibility and business – and they happened
because I fused my passion for business and my purpose of helping others – and
began to walk in my joy space – that personal presence that increases energy,
engagement and efficacy. Where is your joy space? Have you found it yet?

PBR Fourteen: Operating out of your Joy Space
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