Have you ever known that person that everyone else raves about – but when you speak to them they don’t make sense?  Their thoughts are disconnected, the logic train is derailed, and although they use big words, the words are out of context and don’t make sense.

The self-proclaimed genius’ of the workplace use their degrees as validation of their intelligence, but what they were really good at were passing tests.  Unfortunately, in business, life isn’t about passing tests, but rather communicating clearly, facilitating information transfer, and assuring that the work that is done is professional, timely and accurate.

When they fail in these area, the smoke and mirrors genius will begin their cover up games.  Often using their subordinates as cannon fodder, they will shift blame on others around them – explaining in many large words how that person or this other one are inadequate and hard to work with.  Just like a magician will use obscuring light (Smoke) and reflecting light (Mirrors) to complete their optical illusions – making something that isn’t real appear to be real, a smoke and mirrors genius uses words and deflection to hide their inadequacies.

The Smoke and Mirrors Genius often can be the bully in the workplace as well – by intimidating their coworkers in the bathroom, the elevator, and the lunchroom. These are the Human Resources Team’s greatest nightmare, telling co-workers they are too large, too old or the wrong gender to rise-up through the ranks.  When confronted, they will again shift blame, “That wasn’t what I said.  They must have misunderstood.”  Because they are predators, choosing their times to speak in demeaning ways, or capitalizing on the fear factors in the room to say blatant lies and get away with it – they can be difficult to address.

The fact is, they can be dealt with.  Observation is the key – how do other’s act around them?  Are they completing their workload?  Are subordinates in “verbatim compliance” mode?  Do other departments refuse to work with the person?  Setting the standard, and documenting the results are keys to addressing this challenge in the work place.  After all, to get rid of smoke and mirrors, you just need a wind machine, and some light.


Pithy Business Rule # 8: Genius – Clarity = Smoke and Mirror